Is Procreation Not The Purpose Of Marriage? You have to know. This post makes clear whether procreation is the major reason marriage is created for mankind.

Though the sole purpose of marriage is not procreation, but it is one of its keys purposes for which the Creator brought it the marriage to existence

God, in His infinite mercy and grace, has done everything He purposed and proposed in His loving heart of kindness for the comfort of mankind before the creation of the whole universe. And one of the things God proposed to make human species happy and to give them perfect comfort in life is marriage. What a powerful and loving God we serve! But unfortunately, as it’s glaring to the eyes of man the major reasons for which God created marriage in the Bible, there’s still an issue (a hot argument) which has recently come up and has led to a serious controversy among some group of people. These group of people disagreed over the belief of the Christian believers on the fact that marriage is created for the purpose of procreation. They think that this Christians’ belief and claim that marriage is for procreation is just a mere anxiomatic (self-evident, prima facie) word without deep, genuine understanding of the basic purpose and origin of marriage itself. They claim that once a couple is (infertile) unable to have a child perhaps because of one reason or the other, then the purpose of marriage is automatically dissolved into nonsense. What do you think about this? Let’s digest!

What Is Marriage According To The Holy Scripture? đź’’

Though I know many of us already understand what marriage really means, but notwithstanding, we need to give it a very short, basic definition from the Scripture for the purpose of the intent of this post.

  • Definition:
    Marriage is a holy and divine union/institution established between a man and a woman, usually those who are mature both physically and spiritually, who have agreed to be committed to each other in love and understanding and hence accepted to come together to live as one forever.一Genesis 1: 18-22

The definition above clearly and basically and biblically captured what marriage means to Christians, the world over.

What Is Procreation In This Context?

  • To put it simple:
    Procreation is the end result of sexual intercourse that occurs between a man and a woman, usually and legitimately, in marriage, as God designed; It’s the ability of a couple to produce young one(s) like themselves through sex.

I strongly hoped that the above contextual definition of procreation will throw more light on this post to broaden your understanding as regards the particular topic under discussion here.

Let’s proceed!

Now, Is The Purpose Of Marriage Truly Not Procreation?

God always has a plan and purpose for whatever He does. He doesn’t just do things haphazardly! But He, God, does His own things for a particular reasonable purpose that always goes beyond human reasoning and understanding. He knows how He brings what He says to a reality; He knows how to make it come to pass in due time. That’s why He is call God.
Therefore, the question now is: Is Purpose Of Marriage Truly Not Procreation? In short, the answer is capital…NO! Okay?! Are you in doubt over this quick answer? Or, is your conclusion is yes, I am in doubt? In other words, If your conclusion is yes, marriage is not for procreation, then, another question will rise, as a result and as a student of the Bible: if this argument (conclusion) that the purpose of marriage is not for procreation is true when the Bible clearly says: “and God blessed them”: ‘…[b]e fruitful and increase in number…?'”, how can or will the blessing and covenant of fruitfulness and increase that God planned become possible for mankind? No, the conclusion is a capital LIE without a trace of truth! The God’s statement of blessings, the verse of the Bible quoted above, clearly and automatically disproved this irrational and illogical conclusion without mercy. This conclusion, I know, is as a result of a shallow reasoning about and understanding of the major intent of the living God for bringing marriage to existence. I know that the person who brought this conclusion is not a student of the Bible at all! The fact here is that God desperately wants procreation in His divine purposes and plans for mankind when He blessed them to be fruitful and increase, and that’s why He created them man and woman (male and female). If not so, He would have never thought of bringing woman to existence and given her separate, different sexual organ!: after He created them, He gave them different sexual organs for procreation. Why this then? Why didn’t He create them without any sexual organ or make them both a male? Off course, He can do this! Or, can we say that God made a mistake doing this? No, He gave them different organ for sexual intercourse so that they could procreate! This means sex is for procreation and procreation is the core reason for sex (sexual intercourse) between man and woman—it’s a sex end result. Therefore, marriage is for procreation, and this procreation can’t be possible without sex.
That said, let’s proceed to see and flesh out more the true reason why God allows marriage for procreation in the next sub heading.

That Said, Okay, Is It True That God Created Marriage For Procreation?

If yes, then how and why?

This is where serious misconception has come up from those who don’t really understand why Christian teachers lay great emphasis on the fact that purpose of marriage is for procreation. I think there shouldn’t be any misconception over this if we a student of the Bible (if we understand what is in the heart of the Creator about this when He pronounced a blessing on them). We Christians don’t just prove or lay emphasis on this (on that marriage is for procreation because we just believe or know it’s so by a mere instinct, intuition or cognition), but it’s because we see the proof from the reliable source, the Bible. We don’t just hold this claim as an anxiom, maxim or prima facie (a self-evident claim at first view without [enough] proof); but we have enough proof, and a reliable, dependable source for it, and the Bible is the confirmed source I am talking about.

Answer: Therefore, before we answer the question as regards the subject matter here, IS PROCREATION NOT IN THE PURPOSES OF MARRIAGE?, this will lead us to asking ourselves why did God blessed the man He created in Genesis chapter 1: 28 and said: “…[b]e fruitful and increase in number…?” Also, how can these words of blessings come to pass, I mean reality; that’s, come to fulfilment in the life of the man He created? Remember, the basic meaning of the words, “fruitful and increase” here is to have children and be multiplied [become many] in number to fill [dominate] the surface of the earth in his glory. Now, these questions can easily lead us more to this particular question: how can we bear children and become multiplied (increased as the Creator desires) without having sex (without sexual intercourse between man and woman)? This is a question to which we have to find answer! This is where the Christian’s proof of procreation has come up.

Note:  in addition, marriage is not just a contract to carry out some evil activities or to fulfill a purpose outside God’s, but it’s a gift of God for mankind to fulfill destiny! 2) Gay marriage is a sin; it’s against nature! (Romans 1: 24, 26) says: “[t]herefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lust. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another—(NIV). And 3) infertility shouldn’t be the end of marriage and cannot be!: having a child in marriage is the sole responsibility of the Creator of marriage, God.

Moreover, if marriage is blessed with a child, fine! If it is not blessed with a, fine, too! All well and good! But, glaringly, without doubt, as seen in the Bible, one of the major reasons for God to bring marriage to existence is procreation (the production of many offsprings in order to fill the surface of the earth, as has pronounced from the beginning of creations). How and why? Check the Bible for the answer: Genesis 1:28 says: ‘God blessed them and said to them, “[b]e fruitful and increase in number…”‘ Do you remember that God blessed them, in Genesis quoted above, to be multiplied and increased? Though, to be factual, procreation is not the sole purpose of marriage, but you see, if you read the Bible, the book of Genesis 1: 28, and understand what God meant when He blessed man and said, …be fruitful and increase…to fill the earth’s surface, I think this question should come to your heart as said before: how will this happen? The simple answer to this is it will happen by sex in marriage, which automatically leads to procreation [the production of offsprings]. This is logical and rational reasoning of any good student of the Bible. This is only because the blessing of fruitfulness [childbearing] and increase [multiplication]; that’s, procreation, is a divine covenant the Creator had made with mankind from the beginning, and it must surely come to pass, for whatever He, God, says is His covenant with man, which shall surely come to pass in any way. We know Him by the reality and fulfilment of His words.


If there’s no marriage, there won’t be procreation. And if there’s no procreation, how will the blessing of multiplication and increase God pronounced upon man come to pass? This means, without doubt, one of the major key purposes of marriage is procreation, which cannot be possible without the occurrence of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman who are in marriage. This is how God designed it.