Stop gaying! It’s detrimental to your life and destiny


This post basically discusses the three commonly, globally and ignorantly accepted unnoticed signs of beast-induced sexual intercourse that has taken deep root, for ages, among people throughout the world today, which has gradually put those who engage it in bondage of terminal disease and thereby hitching their soul to hell.

Beast-Induced Sexual Intercourse: What’s Does It Mean?

Before proceeding, I think it’s proper I give a brief definition of this term, so that you can have in-depth understanding of what I am really trying to pass across to you here.

Definition: it’s a type of same-sex or animal-to-man or man-to-animal sexual intercourse (that’s, homosexual, lesbianism or bestiality) that’s caused by an invincible power or force of a demon, a beast spirit (that’s an invincible demonic agent that possesses the spirit of man, which is sent from hell) in man.

It’s Legalized

I remember, during president Obama regime, that same-sex marriage was legalized, which gave those who have already sold their heart to Devil (the mastermind behind this unnatural sexual activities), those who know that, without doubt, hell is their final place, the right and opportunity to be practicing their immoral and hell/animal/beast/demon-induced sexual activities without fear and shame anymore in the public. This I see as one of the greatest mistakes that president Obama of the United States Of America made during his time. It’s not his fault though, but it’s the fault of those who pushed him to do this, those who are demon/devil incarnate but only wearing the appearance of human beings! This shows that when one good man is among the bad men, there is nothing such a good man can do than to forcefully dance to their tune! This is what happened to our dear president, Obama, because he is our number one black man president who has ever, in his own time, won the favor of people all over the world from all races and tribes.


Why Abnormality Is Embraced?

What Always Wonders Me Is “Why The Abnormal Do Happen In Our Environment And We Embrace It Ignorantly?”

Oftentimes, I wonder why some things (mostly, abnormal things) do happen in our environment/world today—the things that happen but which is not just ordinarily happening but caused by spiritual forces of darkness right from the kingdom of hell. You may not understand what I am saying here if you don’t understand the things of the spirit, or if you your spiritual eyes are blocked by false ideas of the world we are in today (sorry for using this word). But unfortunately, these things are worldwide embraced and accepted and even educationally justified by people, ignorantly believing and proving and backing up with all sort of educational terms and foolish professional/educational knowledge that these things are normal and legal while they definitely have negative effects on the life of the people engaging in them.


Result: Souls Hitched To Fatal Diseases and Hell (destruction)

We embraced abnormality and foolishness, and as a result, our soul, spirit and body (the whole of us) are sold to devil, and hence, we got hitched to destruction. Many souls are being hitched to hell and preserved in everlasting bondage and suffering for judgment and punishment to come because of immoral sexual intercourse (same-sex and beastiality) between woman and animal, man and animal, man and man, and woman and woman. No wonder, many people are being inflicted by various fatal diseases all over the world without any proven and stable solution to them. The government of the United State of America ignorantly passed homosexual and lesbianism (gay, same-sex) into law that nobody, no state, no country could ever make a move to go against and stop, though some countries rejected this. This is where we all must know and understand that devil is already completely in full control of the world’s government! You and I have something to do about this! It’s yours and mine duty to rise and cry out against this situation before things go beyond control. Therefore, it’s on this note that this post is basically crafted for the whole world to read, see, know, understand and think of the way out of this world, global mess and trouble.


The Signs Fleshed Out

Hereunder are the major obvious but unnoticed signs of beast/animal/demon-induced sexual intercourse that have over the ages ignorantly taken deep root among men and women today, which are one of the hot, effective ways Satan uses to put and preserve many souls in serious bondage and suffering for the day of judgement, and thereby sends them, one after the other, to hell, the place of eternal damnation.

  1. Homosexual—this is the most popular type of beast-induced immoral, unnatural, and globally embraced monstrous sexual intercourse that have over the ages practised by man that occurs between same sex, usually between two men, which has put millions of souls of its victims in serious bondage of devil ignorantly. To bluntly say the fact about this, this type of sexual intercourse is demonic in nature, and it has been, by fake doctrinal belief and Satanic deception, practised and promoted by those who are demoniac (those who are already a demon themselves, those who wear the body of human but who are completely a monster, a devil/demonic incarnate. Study shows that at about 45 percent of people (men) in the whole world are currently in the bondage of homosexuality without a way out. Satan has so used this as the most popular way to pollute the mind of mankind, most especially men, making this type of sexual intercourse appear so acceptable among people to the extent of passing it into law, and thus causing people to go against the natural way of sexual intercourse between man and woman. What a shame to our dear government for passing this into law to be made legal in our society today!
  2. Lesbianism—this is another popular beast/demon-induced sexual intercourse that has gained much access among women today. It’s another type of homosexuality that takes place between same sex (usually between two women), too, which has also put many souls of its victims in serious bondage and danger of hell unawares, beyond human reasoning and understanding. This is also engaged in by those so-called demon and beast possessed women in our world today and promoted and supported by devil incarnate organisations, the world over, those who are backing it up by making it legal with those devilish/hellish laws, false doctrines and destructive educational knowledge (the knowledge that’s of no quantum value to mankind). It’s masterminded by devil, the enemy of yours and mine soul purposely for us to go against God’s major and natural plan for sexual intercourse between man and woman. By accepting this, we thereby provoke God to anger .
  3. Bestiality—this is the third popular sexual intercourse that occurs between man and animal. This is type of sex that is commonly practised in western world of this universe we are in. In this type of sexual intercourse, mostly, women are allowed to engage in sex with animal while little is that of man with animal. This is practised with the hope of giving such a woman money by those so-called demonic agents from the pit of hell in return for her engagement in sex with animal. It’s observed that this devilish sexual activities are being carried out, propagated and promoted basically on the ground of Satan’s order given to them and because he, this same Mr Satan, wants to destroy the kingdom of the living God here on earth’s surface with everything he has available to him.


Summarily, one thing you must understand about this post is that it’s purposely crafted to reveal the deep hidden truth behind these three globally embraced subjects: (1) homosexual, (2) Lesbianism, and (3) bestiality. These three subjects are major programs of Satan from the pit of hell to demoralize and destroy human beings so as to cause them go against their Creator in order to provoke God to jealousy and thus provoke him to anger in the land of the living.